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National Numeric Pager Service


Our National service covers most states, including
Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico.

National Coverage may differ from Local Coverage in
specific areas - please check our Coverage maps.

National Service

Service is paid in full at time of purchase. Service starts on the 1st of each month,
so service prior to the 1st will be pro-rated. Other options are available, including:
voicemail, numeric retrieval, custom greeting and toll-free number. Pager not
included with Service - please see the Pagers section to choose your pager.

Quarterly:  $29.99 per month  (total pre-paid price $65.97)
Monthly:  $31.99 per month  (requires credit card auto-renewal)

- Activation Charge: $15.00
- Toll-Free number: add $7.99/month
- Voicemail options available from $2.00/month

*5000 pages per month limit. $.30 per page overage charge.

National Pager Rental

Rental packages include:

  - National pager service
  - A numeric pager

Rental is paid in full at time of purchase. Rental starts on the 1st of each month,
so rental prior to the 1st will be pro-rated. Other options are available, including
voicemail w/custom greeting, numeric retrieval, custom greeting and toll-free
number. Rental pagers available in Black only.

Quarterly:  $36.99 per month  (total package price $83.97)
Monthly:  $39.99 per month  (requires credit card auto-renewal)

Deposit:  $25.00 per pager *
* Deposit will be refunded when pager is returned
on-time and in good condition, less normal wear-
and-tear. Improper shipping may be cause for
forfeiture of deposit.

- Activation Charge: $15.00
- Toll-Free number: add $7.99/month
- Voicemail options available from $2.00/month

*5000 pages per month limit. $.30 per page overage charge.
pagers text message text messaging